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About us

Momsurvey is an independent market research panel specialising in providing the views of pregnant women and women with young children.

Our mission is to help companies make their decisions based on the views of the most important person - you the consumer!

We help companies by providing the views of pregnant women and new moms on a wide range of topics. Our surveys ensure that companies can give moms the products and services they really want and need.

We do not sell, endorse or market any baby products or services so we can offer a totally independent viewpoint and ensure that companies hear the real views of pregnant women and new moms.

Typical surveys you can expect to receive might include:

  • Advertising test - testing how well a particular piece of advertising works.
  • Brand Health - testing what moms think of a particular brand and its competitors.
  • Concept or design test - evaluating what moms think of a new product or a new design for an existing product.
  • PR Research - Sometimes companies want to know what moms think about a recent news issue in the mother and baby market.
  • Sampling Effectiveness - testing whether a free sample of a product might influence you to buy the product in the future.

We represent the views of pregnant women and new moms in an impartial and independent way.

Our commitment is to provide the highest quality market research opinion of pregnant women and women with young children.

We abide by the rules of the Market Research Society and ESOMAR.

We subscribe to the Data Protection Act and comply with the rules within this.

Momsurvey is a research panel wholly owned by MumsViews. This is a registered company and is based in Derbyshire, England.