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The winners...

Mrs Kahakua $100.00
Miss Hidalgo $50.00
Ms Gonzalez $20.00
Miss Huerta $20.00
Miss Simons $20.00
Mrs Nishimwe $20.00
Ms Hand $20.00
Miss cortez $20.00
Miss Hunt $20.00
Mrs Soderquist $10.00
Ms Dweik $10.00
Mrs Paulino $10.00
Ms Smith $10.00
Miss Proffitt $10.00
Miss Rojas $10.00
Miss Melikyan $10.00
Ms Angulo $10.00
Mrs Ninan $10.00
Miss Mims $10.00
Ms Orellana $10.00
Miss Brown $5.00
Ms Genardi $5.00
Mrs Ballard $5.00
Mrs Patricelli Games $5.00
Ms Mcfadden $5.00
Ms Nguyen $5.00
Mrs Carlos $5.00
Ms Normand $5.00
Mr s reyes $5.00
Ms Lamberson $5.00
Mrs Chaplin $5.00
Ms Green $5.00
Ms Mcafee $5.00
Mrs McKenzie $5.00
Mr Sautter $5.00
Mrs Smith $5.00
Ms kai $5.00
Mr Arechiga Jr $5.00
Ms Pedraza $5.00
Ms Haines $5.00

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